Big Hat Days Means Big Business

On April 5th and 6th, the premier event in the Central Valley will be presented by the Clovis Chamber of Commerce. The 76th Annual Table Mountain Casino Big Hat Days will fill the streets of Old Town Clovis and provide free family fun to visitors from over the country.

Last year’s event produced record crowds and all indications are pointing to another record this year. According to The List in The Business Journal, Big Hat Days provides the largest daily attendance for any event in the Valley. Many thousands of these people come from outside Clovis to visit the craft booths, enjoy the family carnival and eat at the Food Fair.

More importantly, Big Hat Days provides unlimited opportunities for local businesses to prosper. 140,000 visitors will be roaming the streets. Most Old Town merchants see this as a way to promote their own businesses and make an effort to draw the crowds into their shops. While some customers make purchases during the festival, many return later. For several Clovis merchants, Big Hat weekend is the best of the year.

The benefits of Big Hat Days spill over to other businesses outside Old Town. Area restaurants, gas stations, hotels and shops experience increases as people use their services before and after their Big Hat visit. With strategic marketing, businesses can use the Big Hat theme during the prior months to lead up to promotional efforts during Big Hat weekend.

But, one of the biggest winners with Big Hat Days is the City of Clovis. They estimated in 2009 that BIG Hat Days produces $6 million in revenues to businesses who take advantage of the large crowds. Besides the increase in sales tax revenues from Chamber events, the city also enjoys gaining recognition from people outside the area who often cite great schools and events as the most notable characteristics of Clovis.

The Clovis Chamber is proud to present BIG Hat Days and to contribute so much to the local economy.

Posted in Blog.

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