Clovis EXPO
One of the Central Valley’s Largest Networking Events!

We created an exciting and productive event that’s conveniently located in the heart of Clovis. This year’s attractions include a new layout providing great visibility for all vendors and delivering a series of appealing attractions. Admission is free to attend and network, so don’t miss out!
Visit the Vineyard…Enjoy wine & craft beer tastings from local Central Valley vineyards and breweries.
Enjoy the Tastes of Clovis…Sample the finest from local restaurants and caterers.
Walk through Business Row…Meet with many regional business leaders who will answer your important questions.
Shop the Marketplace…See wares from area artisans, crafters, and so much more. Find favorite products, try out something new, and even make a few friends while you’re at it.


Visit the Vineyard
Enjoy wine tastings from local Central Valley vineyards.

Shop the EXPANDED Marketplace
See wares from area artisans, crafters, & so much more in our bigger and better Marketplace! Find favorite products, try out something new, and even make a few friends while you’re at it.

Walk through Business Row
Meet with many regional business leaders who will answer your important questions.

Enjoy the Tastes of Clovis
Sample the finest from local restaurants and caterers.

Our 2017 Event Sponsors

Vendor Support
Inclusion in digital show program
Contact details for all exhibiting vendors will be included on this year’s show program to be available to every attendee on the Clovis Chamber Mobile app. Show sponsors will also receive special logo inclusion inside the digital program. All vendors and EXPO sponsors will have valuable extra visibility and branding at no additional cost.
Social media promotional blitz
Take part in the Clovis Chamber’s promotion of this event, its participating vendors and sponsors by promoting your booth on social media. The Chamber’s marketing team will actively monitor the #CE18 streams of information on all social media platforms so that they can like, share and enter conversations with vendors before, during, and after.
Any vendor participating on social media using the hashtag #CE18 has an opportunity to gain exponential awareness of their business, brand and booth highlights. Make the most of this opportunity by sharing what your company will provide at this year’s Clovis EXPO 2018.
Learn strategies to maximize your vendor booth experience
Looking for helpful tips to make the most of your Clovis Expo 2018 booth? Download Moore Than SEO‘s free Tips for Good “Boothmanship” right here.
Sponsorship opportunities are also available
There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities still available. Contact Diana at 559-299-7363 for more information.
Curious about last year’s Clovis EXPO?
Sponsorship Opportunities
$1,250 – Platinum Sponsor
- Prime 10′ x 20′ Booth near Clovis EXPO 2018 Main Entrance (Includes: Trade Show Booth w/Black 8′ Tall w/ 3′ Side Walls, ID Exhibitor Sign, Waste Basket, Power Drop, Table w/linens & 2 chairs.)
- Inclusion as Platinum Sponsor in all Clovis EXPO 2018 promotions & press releases
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor on Clovis Chamber Clovis EXPO 2018 web page (8,632 Monthly Average Unique Pageviews. 112,217 Annual Total.)
- Recognition on Clovis Chamber Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus & Instagram pages emphasizing your Platinum Sponsorship. (Over 26,000 engaged social followers)
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor at Clovis EXPO 2018 event by Emcee
- Company Logo on Clovis EXPO 2018 printed materials
- Banners – Name & Logo on Clovis EXPO 2018 event Sponsor banners
- Rights to use in own business promotions the title “Platinum Sponsor,” the name of the Clovis Chamber of Commerce, Clovis EXPO 2018 and related artwork
$750 – Gold Sponsor
- Prime 10′ x 10′ Booth in Central Location (Includes: Trade Show Booth w/Black 8′ Tall w/ 3′ Side Walls, ID Exhibitor Sign, Waste Basket, Power Drop, Table w/linens & 2 chairs.)
- Company Logo & link on Clovis Chamber Clovis EXPO 2018 web page (8,632 Monthly Average Unique Pageviews. 112,217 Annual Total.)
- Recognition on Clovis Chamber Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus & Instagram pages emphasizing your Gold Sponsorship (Over 26,000 engaged social followers)
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor at Clovis EXPO 2018 event
- Company Logo on Clovis EXPO 2018 printed materials
- Banners – Name & Logo on Clovis EXPO 2018 event Sponsor banners
- Rights to use in own business promotions the title “Gold Sponsor,” the name of the Clovis Chamber of Commerce, Clovis EXPO 2018 and related artwork
$550 – Silver Sponsor
- 10′ x 10′ Booth inline (Includes: Trade Show Booth w/Black 8′ Tall w/ 3′ Side Walls, ID Exhibitor Sign, Waste Basket, Power Drop, Table w/linens & 2 chairs.)
- Recognition as Silver Sponsor at Clovis EXPO 2018 event
- Rights to use in own business promotions the title “Silver Sponsor,” the name of the Clovis Chamber of Commerce, Clovis EXPO 2018 and related artwork
And, all levels above include:
- Public Relations as supporter of community event
- Public Relations as supporter of non-profit organizations
- VIP status at Clovis EXPO 2018

The Clovis EXPO ’18 is located at:
Clovis Veterans Memorial Building
808 4th Street, Clovis, CA 93612
Coming from Herndon Avenue:
Turn South onto Clovis Avenue. Turn left on 5th Street and left again on Hughes Avenue.
Coming from Shaw Avenue:
Turn North onto Clovis Avenue. Turn right on 5th Street then left on Hughes Avenue.
Parking is free in surrounding parking lots and streets.