Engage with our ever-growing range of business development resources, opportunities, and events.
Members enjoy business development through advertising, marketing, PR, networking, and social media benefits worth thousands of dollars each year. Members also gain recognition, contribute to community building and their interests are represented both locally and state-wide through our legislative activism.
Whether you’re well established or a brand new business, our Chamber has the resources and connections to help you grow! Joining the Clovis Chamber of Commerce means you’ll gain strategic opportunities to build relationships by attending tons of business events every month. Network and connect at our Mixers, Lunch Connects, Ribbon Cuttings, Educational Series and more. View all of our upcoming events on the Clovis Chamber calendar.
We also feature your member business in our online directory with a link to your website, as well as share your flyers, promotions, and events at no extra charge on a regular basis. Gain opportunities for social media growth through participation in social media community discussions, weekly Facebook segments, and social promotion sharing. Clovis Chamber was named to’s list of the Top 100 Most Social Media Friendly Chambers of Commerce. Making this list for is a true honor as it means that our Chamber is in the top 5% most social in the entire nation! Nearly every city on the list was magnitudes larger in population than Clovis, California. We are the only Chamber of Commerce throughout the Central Valley to receive this designation.
For a complete list of benefits, contact our office today!

Gain Exposure
31,000+ social media followers & growing!
We share your flyers, promotions, & events with interested locals for no extra charge on a regular basis!
Get Found Online
We feature your business with website link on our online directory seen by tens of thousands of locals annually.
Build Relationships
Build strong relationships by engaging in an active schedule of Chamber events: Mixers, Coffee & Lunch Connects, Ribbon Cuttings, & more!
Learn & Grow
Educational events that offer hands-on training for a wide range of business topics; including social media, marketing, networking, employment law, business development, & more!
Build your business with support from an experienced community that cares & presents strategic opportunities for real-world business development.