Sign Up To Be A Bell Ringer & Give Back This Holiday Season!

Pay it forward through the holidays by volunteering to be a Bell Ringer for the Salvation Army!

Please read this special message from Clovis Chamber of Commerce Board member, Rod Geist.

Dear Chamber member,

As you are probably aware, the Salvation Army in Clovis distributes foodstuffs throughout the week but has a major food distribution on the first Tuesday of every month. On average, about 450 – 500 households (representing over 2,000 individuals) come to the facility on Barstow between Clovis and Minnewawa to receive a box of food. A typical box of food will contain some canned fruits and vegetables, a bag of rice or beans or pasta, a bottle of juice, a large box of raisins, and some kind of breakfast cereal. Once in a while there is some frozen fish or chicken. For most of us it would not be something to get very excited about. However, for those who need the help it is like a gift from heaven.

One Tuesday morning, not too long ago, I was helping a couple of elderly women out to their car. I couldn’t help but notice the expression on the face of one as she took inventory of what was inside the box. She was filled with happiness and anticipation. She must have noticed that I was looking at her, because before I could say anything she looked at me and said, “I’m planning our meals for the week!” I didn’t say anything, but I smiled in response and helped her put the box of food in her car. As I walked away I thought to myself that I could not imagine what kind of meal she would be able to make with the meager contents of the box, much less plan more than one meal. I was reminded of an important, fundamental truth that I had learned at some point in the past. PERSPECTIVE CHANGES EVERYTHING! At that moment, the problems in my world seemed insignificant compared to the challenge many have just to put food on the table.

Helping those in need, whatever that need might be, is what the Salvation Army is all about. They work hard every day to improve the quality of life for many in our community. That is, of course, at the core of the mission statement for Chamber Gives Back, to support activities “that improve the quality of life in Clovis.” During this holiday season I would like to ask each of you to help the Salvation Amy in a very simple way, by ringing a bell. Nearly one-third of the Clovis Corps’ total monetary donations are dropped into a kettle, next to a volunteer ringing a bell, in front of a supportive merchant, between now and Christmas. The math is very simple; more volunteers at more locations equals more in the kettles. Anyone can volunteer, it is as easy as a click on the link and choosing the time and place. But I am hoping that each of you will take bell ringing to the next level.

I have included a list of locations and days below that, as of right now, have no volunteers scheduled. I am hoping that each of you will choose one location and day and fill it with volunteers. The kettles need to be staffed with volunteers from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM in two-hour shifts, preferably two people per shift. Most of us own a business or manage a staff or are part of club or social network and I can’t imagine that it would be too difficult to find 8 – 10 people who would help you fill a day, especially for a cause as good as this one. I have also created a simple online form that you can download & use to keep track of who is ringing and when. (You can download that form through this link to get started right now.)

It’s not work, by any means. In fact, it can be a great deal of fun. My office took on one location last year and it was such a positive experience that they have asked to do it again. Someone from the Army will bring the kettle at the beginning of the day and pick it up after the last shift. All you and your team need to do is ring the bell. If you are willing to take on this challenge please let me know as soon as you can so the Army can make the appropriate arrangements. We will keep track of the donations in each kettle so we can know just how dramatic the Chamber’s impact on the community can really be.

From my perspective, this is not just about raising money for the Salvation Army or even for those less fortunate than myself, though that is important. Nor is it about giving back as a form of gratefulness for all of the good things in my life, though I am definitely grateful. I think it is about recognizing that I am part of a larger and greater community. We live and work in this community. We share in its growth and development and experience the benefits of being a part of this community: opportunity, safety, health, friendship, connectedness. Supporting the efforts of the Salvation Army by ringing a bell this holiday season is a great way to experience the best Clovis has to offer, and to make sure that all in Clovis have a chance to experience it.

I hope you will join me! For questions or sign-up confirmation, please contact me or contact Captain Jennie Onitsuka-Adams direct at the Salvation Army (473-0029).


Rod Geist
Clovis Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors

Download our sign up form here.

View upcoming dates and locations in need of volunteers below:


Tuesday, Dec. 5th
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

Thursday, Dec. 7th
Vons on Herndon & Fowler (our best location)
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

Friday, Dec. 8th
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach

Monday, Dec. 11th
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Walmart on Herndon (Home & Pharmacy)
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

Wednesday, Dec. 13th
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach

Friday, Dec. 15th
Walmart on Herndon (Home & Pharmacy)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)

Monday, Dec. 18th
Vons on Herndon & Fowler (our best location)
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Walmart on Herndon (Home & Pharmacy)
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)

Tuesday, Dec. 19th
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

Thursday, Dec. 21st
Vons on Herndon & Fowler (our best location)
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

Friday, Dec. 22nd
Vons on Herndon/ Fowler (our best location)
Walmart on Herndon (Home & Pharmacy)
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

Saturday, Dec. 23rd (Last Kettle Day)
Vons on Herndon/ Fowler (our best location)
Vons on Ashland/ Fowler
Walmart on Herndon (Home & Pharmacy)
Walmart on Herndon (Market)
Walmart on Shaw/ Peach
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 1)
Neighborhood Walmart on Shaw/ Fowler (Door 2)
Kohls, outside the Sierra Vista Mall

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